Monday, January 6, 2014


Last night I caught myself researching on the internet. Bad. Bad. Bad!  The internet can be a blessing and a curse.  Lately every time I hop online I run into something I do not want to know.  I have done pretty well staying away from looking up HLHS related topics online because there are so many different attributes to this particular defect and until we have test results back we do not know which category we fall into.  The doctors suggested we don’t get online and start researching until results come back.  Seriously, this was an innocent web search, I was looking for a girl’s blog and ran into some other info.  I swear the devil likes to popup and misdirect you so that you start having negative thoughts and worrying about what could be, about things you cannot do anything about.  So, I immediately got off line,  I had me a good cry, and went to bed, repeating Philippians 4:6 until I fell asleep…

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

The next morning I got a text from a friend saying she had been thinking about me all day yesterday…I said yeah it was probably God telling you I was FREAKING out.  She said you will feel better when the Amnio results come in because you will know more… yes friend you are right… I think maybe I will just go ahead and call and see if by chance they are already in, I cannot wait 2 weeks until my appointment…

So, I called…and guess what? The results had come in over the weekend and they had already planned on calling us that afternoon! PRAISE GOD!

The genetic counselor I spoke with said they had not had a chance to officially put the results into the system yet but “unofficially” everything came back NORMAL! HALLELUJAH! Dr. Tabor requested a very thorough test called a Micro-Array test which checks for missing pieces of DNA and all pieces are there, which rules out several genetic disorders.  I previously had the Panorama test done, which I did at 12 weeks and only because I wanted to find out the gender early.  It also checks for a slew of other genetic disorders like the Trisomys and Down Syndrome etc. and that came back good as well.  So no major genetic defects going on, still just her heart to focus on… Huge sigh of relief, one less thing to worry about.

Thank you God for answered prayers. Amen.

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