About Our Family

Hearts for Hallie... If you have a loving heart for our family and our unborn daughter, Hallie Grace, then this blog is written for you.  Follow her journey to be one of Hallies Hearts. 

In praying about whether or not to write this blog, I felt compelled to take the opportunity to share with everyone the trials we will go through and the ways in which God will bring us through it.  Proof that he is with us.  If you have just stumbled across this blog because you are going through a similar journey, please feel free to reach out christigarcia2014@gmail.com . My hope is that we may develop many connections along the way.

My husband Donny and I found out December 23, 2013, at 20 weeks gestation, that our baby has a severe heart defect known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, HLHS.  We were devastated, dumbfounded, blindsided...  Neither of us have any known heart defects or birth defects on either side of the family that would shed any light on why this could have happened.  The doctors say it was just one of those things that come along in time...they believe about every 100 years or so a defect of some sort will present itself in a family line if one does not exist already.

We also have a sweet, funny, little red headed daughter, Avery, who will turn 2 in February.  She keeps us smiling, laughing, and on our toes, even in the midst of all this.  She serves as proof that the Lord's blessing are abundant. She is our princess, our angel.  She will be an amazing big sister and teach Hallie all her princess ways, I am sure... our two precious angels! Thank you Lord for them both and the opportunity to be their parents. 

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